Ryan Lucas

artist statement
We are often judged without saying a word, and we feel the pressures from various struggles and judgments put upon by others and ourselves. By exploring strategies of color and composition, I create an emotionally true image of an individual. Revealing an honest and sometimes jarring portrait of the human psychology. These aren’t figure paintings these are people paintings.

Ryan Lucas is a senior at the University of Missouri –St. Louis, where he is pursuing a BFA in Studio Art. He previously attended East Central College in Union, MO where he received an Associate of Fine Arts in 2017. His work has been exhibited throughout Missouri and St. Louis metropolitan area including Express Scripts Headquarters, ECC Art Gallery, and Art Saint Louis.

*Conceived, and designed, the website’s homepage (Exit Strategy).

Compress, acrylic on canvas, 28.5” x 28.5”, 2019

Compress, acrylic on canvas, 28.5” x 28.5”, 2019

Beautiful Trash, plastic, image transfer, wood, 10” x 8”, 2020

Beautiful Trash, plastic, image transfer, wood, 10” x 8”, 2020

Fresh Catch, acrylic, image transfer, raw canvas mounted to board,  20” x 16”, 2019

Fresh Catch, acrylic, image transfer, raw canvas mounted to board,
20” x 16”, 2019

Seen, acrylic, oil stick, charcoal, on canvas, 47.5” x 34.5”, 2019

Seen, acrylic, oil stick, charcoal, on canvas, 47.5” x 34.5”, 2019

… , acrylic on board, 20” x 16”, 2020

, acrylic on board, 20” x 16”, 2020

Smile More, image transfer on raw canvas, 25.5” x 21”, 2020

Smile More, image transfer on raw canvas, 25.5” x 21”, 2020


Kristina Kahlmeyer


Elizabeth Schulz