Our students inspire me. 

It is always a bittersweet feeling when reaching the end of a Senior Studio Seminar course, and this year’s class certainly keeps that feeling consistent for me. It is a great pleasure of mine that I got to work with each of these individuals. Being present for students as they work through intellectual, emotional, and practical challenges of the studio, work toward the realization of concepts, and ultimately manifest their artistic vision is a unique and special opportunity.  I am fortunate in this. 

I have always felt a kind of optimism in relation to the creative practice… I think it has to do with a sort of potential for something good to come. A sort of positive feeling that comes from the potential of learning, seeing, or thinking in a new way. Or perhaps being reminded of something we haven’t visited for some time or thought of in a specific or present context. All these actions speak of perspectives, and the class of 2022 delivers many. These portfolios share some of that vision and potential, I hope you enjoy learning about these wonderful people and the great work they produce. 

On behalf of the Department of Art & Design and the University of Missouri – St. Louis, I share our congratulations on a job very well done. All of us in the department are very proud of you.  

Go forward visioning and creating in the world. Your thoughtful and creative contributions are needed, and we cannot wait to see all the amazing things you will do, YOU inspire us! 

- Michael Behle
Associate Chairperson
Department of Art and Design at UMSL
Senior Seminar 2022, faculty member