artist statement
My art reflects how I try to exist within my everyday space. I believe we are stewards of the earth and should look for ways to protect it from the harmfulness of waste and excess. This dress is an accumulation of paper and plastic that would otherwise end up in a landfill that scars our land. It is an amalgamation of both how I try to live and the life that I have lived so far. Made from newspapers and old homework assignments its fragility is a reflection of how fragile our eco system is. In the future I hope to continue the practice of finding ways to be a responsible artist that both informs the public of what can be done with recycled materials and inspires them to make beautiful things out of what others deem as trash.

Felicity Johnson is a self-taught artist from St. Louis, Mo. She has an Associate’s in Fine Arts from St. Louis Community College. Felicity is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Studio Practice from University of Missouri St. Lous. Her hope is to take the practical and expressive application of art and use it to help people through art therapy.

Dress, recycled paper, paper machete, plastic bags, 6’ x 3’

Dress, detail

Dress, detail

Tignons, recycled clothing, glue, 8” x 12”

Tignons, detail

Tignons, detail


Meghan Gallagher


Elizabeth Kamau